Good News Retreat Centre Kakkoor

Good News Snehabhavan is built in a plot of 3 acres of land donated by a generous man, Jose at Kakkoor village in Kerala. It is a home for the elderly destitute in Kerala, giving them loving care and support, irrespective of their caste, region and creed. The increasing break-up and dispersal of the nuclear family has pushed the aged in many cases to the streets, alone, neglected and vulnerable. Many of them suffer from specific health problems faced by older people, such as poor eyesight, weak and broken limbs and malnutrition. Asthma, tuberculosis and other respiratory problems are common. Psychological and emotional stresses contribute further to the breakdown of their health. The plight of the old people in the poorest sections of our society is pitiable because they are too old to work, too poor to make a living, nobody to look after and nothing to look forward. There are many aged, sick and neglected elderly people unwanted by children and relatives looking for a place to spend the evening of their life. India is expected to have 100 million people aged over 60 by 2013. 90% of older persons have no social security at age 60. 30% of the elderly live below the poverty line and a further 33% live just above it. 55% of women over 60 are widows, many of them with no support what so ever. We care for destitute with the love Christ has shown to the poor and the neglected.

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