St. Joseph's E. M. High School, Yernagudem

St. Joseph's E. M. High School, Yernagudem

St. Joseph's English Medium High school was started on 19th June 1989 by the Missionary society of Heralds of Good News of the Roman catholic mission, with the help of S.A.B.S Sisters Tellicherry Province. Founder of the School was Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Jose Kaimlett, 1st Correspondent Rev. Fr. Thomas Alencherry and 1st Headmistress, Sr. Vimala Mary.

The aim of this institution is to impart a sound moral, intellectual, social and physical education, so as to turn out not only highly good and useful citizens , but also men of high principles discipline, cultural and refinement

The objective is to develop an all-round personality of the children so that when they leave the portals of the school, they are physically fit, mentally alert, morally sound and emotionally well balanced. These students are confident and forward looking and become worthy citizens of the country. Whatever is useful and relevant in our ancient culture and civilization, is blended with modernism and inculcated among the youth with innovations suited the modern technological era.

The school makes no distinction of caste, class or creed and admits students from all parts of the world with the spirit of tolerance and understanding.

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